Friday, November 16, 2007

Now for the little one .... Ooops the big girl!

This term I started a new teacher's aid position at Drummond School. When I have done work in the past Grace has always gone to a fellow home schooler's place and done her bookwork there. This time I am working in a second class and we have enrolled Grace and she attends for the hours that I am there. It was a bit amusing when she came home on the first day wondering why they hadn't asked her what electives she wanted to choose, like Ellie's school had for her. She had it all worked out in her mind that she would be doing Food Tech, Art and Drama like her big sister. Aaahh, she only has five years or so to wait. Maybe we can continue doing our food tech at home as we always have.

1 comment:

M-boy said...

What a photogenic young lady!